Monday, September 29, 2008

What makes a good writer?

I think a good writer is someone who can get their point across without going on and on. You want to get to the point so you don't bore the reader, because I know when i read writer's work, if it is too wordy, i get lost and have no interest in it anymore. A good writer also has a good strong vocabulary and doesn't use the same words over and over again.

I think these are things I need to work on in my writing. I need to learn bigger vocabulary and different ways to get my point across more effectively


shawnee said...

that's exactly what i think as well

tylerstudent29 said...

wow You're right, the on and on too wordy thing is totally my biggest problem as well. My thoughts are too fast and pen can't keep up so I almost get lost and trail off, and ramble on too much at other times,,,,,like right now.