Tuesday, September 2, 2008

So you wanna...learn about different types of insomnia

I. Transient insomnia
A. Last a few nights only.
1. jet lag
2. stress
3. excitment
4. illness
5. change in sleep schedual
B. Soon return back to normal
1. sleeping pills can help this
a. work for short term
b. not for long term

II. Short-Term insomnia
A. last 2-3 weeks
B. causes-
1. job change
2. divorce
3. serious illness
4. death of someone close
5. finacial problems

III. Chronic Insomnia
A. most severe
1. 10-15% of U.S. suffer from it
B. Things to check for
1. makes sure it's not another health problem
2. some medications effect sleep

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