Monday, September 22, 2008


Legalizing marijuana is looked at by society mostly as just contributing to the incline of societal problems, but people usually don't tend to think about the positive effects it can have, to save us economicly as a country. The legalization of marijuana has never been such a topic of controversy. Many people of it's legalization don't see why it's not. No one has ever died from smoking marijuana, yet there are estimated 440,000 deaths per year associated with alcohol abuse, a legal substance. So why is it looked at as being so bad?


tylerstudent29 said...

Pot is less addictive than coffe and healthier and safer than aspirin. The only people left who are anti marijuana decriminalization seem to either be involved in law enforcement or some other buraucracy that depends on the massive revenue generated by keeping pot illegal (over a million marijuana arrests in this country think about how much money for police, da's, judges, jails, prisons, probation workers, social services like these generate from pot still being illegal); or they just dont know that much about it and are fundamentally brain washed by the propaganda on anti marijuana. Even tv shows like Freinds make people on pot look rediculous, noone smokes pot and acts the way they do on tv lol! Noones ever od'd on it and died ever. Its natural. It saves lives, including mine, (I have medical prescription and it saved my life}. Every patient that has habitualy used it said it helped them. Noone deserves to have their lives and families destroyed by being victimized by police and imprisoned with real criminals for marijuana. The fact that in this day and age, in a so called free society, that even one human being can be locked away for years of their lives for something as harmless helpfull and amazing as hemp! In my humble opinion, the only reason anyone should be in trouble for marijuana, is dispensing it to children, and or tax evasion. If the majority of Californian citizens who feel the same way and voted med mar legal, would orginize and simply contribute a few measely hundred bucks a piece, then we could lobby and produce pro pot propaganda and spokespersons and pr stunts and commercials, like the anti pot groups, like social service and law enforcement unions, who carry a great deal of power politically by the way, and the billion trillion guazillion alcohol industry does, we wouold finally decriminilze it. It is every one who feels this ways obligation to support pro pot groups like N.O.R.M.L (national organization for reform of marijuana laws) and their affiliates. They are the group with the attorneys who have been fighting this battle for us all along, and providing charity legal defense for victims of mar laws, who does the lobbying and propaganda. If they recieved a fraction of the money and resources cops etc unions spend fighting it, we would be home free and the insanity may finally end. I believe because their is virtually no marijuana related crime, except the growing, possesion etc of the pot itself, it is a victimless drug. People become addicted to gambling and lottery tickets. Anything has the potential to be misused, but pot is about as harmless, and medically viable as any legal substance. Wow! maybe I shouldn't have had that red bull huh? I am sorry hon,lol you can delete this if its my blog now, I just have alot to say about this. I'm such a dork!

tylerstudent29 said...

We could also stop the deforestation of most of the planet by mass producing hemp, it far exceeds trees as supply for paper products. The entire hemp crop can be utilized with no waste and the entire crop is a renewable resource turning over evry 4-6 months if climate and lighting permit, otherwise once a year. Also, the hemp can be turned into biofuels. The cannibis seed is the highest natural source of essential fatty acids known to man. Its medical properties have only recently had their surfaces scratched, and pro pot doctors hail it as a miracle drug unparreleled in nature. I could go on on and on but I know you hate that and you've got to be sick of me by now.