Monday, October 20, 2008

i found this site/essay really enteresting. Its about the research of how the holocaust effected people, and the feeling people have after the fact. He has some facts about it, and some studies done by psychologist. It makes you really think about how there are people in the world still dealing w/ it, people who it still effects, and how past can effect the present.


alexandrea.cass281 said...

I think everything seems more real when it's backed up by books and pychologist and things of that nature. I must admit how suprised I was to find that the US really didn't help as much as everyone had thought. I guess you can say everything on this subject is a real eye opener.

tylerstudent29 said...

ssssssssssoooooooooooo depressing. we should have a disco ball and funky music, and one legged midget with a huge shoe doin the robot in the corner when we do this stuff in class. Children murdered, women dfiled, mass genecide, should come with a side of butterflies, and smurfs, and 3 stooges jokes. As if I'm not messed up enough now I keep having to read and watch and hear about this stuff. JK but HI. Bye.