Sunday, April 27, 2008

SO excel was not as fun as i thought. But im glad i know some of it now. its really helpful. AND

I learned a lot of things i was wondering about! isnt that the greatest!?!

now i just got finish it...
the case graders r killin me!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

we finally started excel.
that was what i was MOST looking forward too.
i wanna know more about it. i have used it so many times but just for simple spreadsheet layouts and stuff. nothing to technical. but i really wanna know more about.

i learned some in class on tuesday.
wayyy exciting.
hopefully these projects will be a little more fun

Monday, April 7, 2008

Power point is complicated. I think I struggled with this more than any of them. Probably because it's the only one I have never used.

But I think its really cool. I look forward to using it in the future.

I keep forgetting to write on my blog! I promise myself to remember from now on.

Now I have to finish my project.

bye everyone